Thursday, November 14, 2013

Deliver on 'Today'

I read an article on BigThink called, "Everyone Wants to Create the Product of Tomorrow, You Also Need to Deliver on 'Today.' Long title, I know. As the title suggests, the article was about how people are always trying to invent the next big thing without making the things we already have better. This is a very bad thing because in the end we all end up with worse products. The old is mediocre and the new is brilliant, and there is no middle ground. Without improvement, nothing ever comes out of anything except for a material product. No ideas, no inspiration. The article said, "To be successful, innovation requires both the planting of seeds and the pruning of buds....Leadership teams should contain a complementary mix of planters and pruner, or innovators and optimizers." I completely agree with this because, like society needs scientists and garbage men alike, a single project needs to have equal focus on all aspects, not just the new.

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