Monday, November 11, 2013

Bye-Bye Buses; Hello, Driverless Pods

I read an article on BigThink called "Bye-Bye Buses; Hello, Driverless Pods." Apparently, there is a town in England that is starting to use electric pods to travel. People can order a pod for $3.20 using their smartphones and each pod seats two people and their luggage. The pods travel 12 miles per hour on a special roadway. I think this is completely insane but so cool. They expect it to be completely in effect by 2017, and it makes me think how close the future is. Everybody thought that by 2000 we'd have hover pads and robots, and this really isn't that far from that. To think that in four years, people can just sit in a pod and tell it where to go. I can't wait for this kind of technology to spread to the US, although it will probably get rid of the subways, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

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