Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Big Week Day #2

While I've been writing my play, I've been keeping in mind different books that I've read. Since the play is about a girl who is trying to face her impending death, I've been thinking about books like The Fault in Our Stars by John Green while still trying to remain original. I've also been drawing on my own experiences of trying (and failing) of sticking it to the man (namely my mother). I really didn't go very far with the story today because of my problems with accessing what I did yesterday. My laptop wouldn't let me go on my Celtx account, or the internet, or most of the websites I tried going on. I think I really need a new laptop. Technology has obviously changed since 2008. Since I couldn't access my Celtx account or my gmail to reactivate my account, I had to rewrite everything. ALL OF IT.
So, what I learned today: ALWAYS HAVE A BACKUP FOR YOUR WORK. After Luke helped me download Celtx from a thumbdrive, I saved the script there, on Microsoft Word, and a flashdrive, just to be safe.


  1. "while still trying to remain original."

    what's original mean?

    1. By original I mean that I don't want to steal the ideas of someone like John Green (which I could never pull off by the way). I'm trying to come up with as many of my own ideas as possible, so as not to make my work seem like a fraud, but the completely new piece that it is.
