Today, I wrote the first two pages of my play and I have to say, it's going pretty well so far. The only problem I ran into was finding a place to work. I didn't know where the computer lab was, so Ellen brought me there, but there wasn't anybody in there so we went to the other computer lab. The guy in there (I don't know his name) said that I could work in there. The computer I was on didn't have Celtx so I tried downloading it. When I went to open it, it said that I couldn't use Internet Explorer, so I had to download Mozilla Firefox, which took a long time. Finally, I got to work for a good one and a half periods before getting kicked out. The man said that I couldn't be in there without a teacher since he was leaving. I went back to the other computer lab, and asked the lady who came in if I could work in there. Problem is, those computers didn't have Celtx either for some reason. I decided to go through the process again, but the system kept crashing every time I tried downloading Firefox. It was then that I decided to come back to the STAC room. Anika, Ellen, and Jessica told me to go to the library and try it there. I didn't know where the library was either, so Ellen brought me. The librarians told me that I couldn't use the computers because a class was coming and they didn't have Celtx anyway. Lo and behold, I decided to just go back to the STAC room and resume my work with the good old-fashioned pencil and paper.
And out of all of this, I learned: next time, bring my laptop.
They're suppose to have celtx all over the place for us. I'll talk to the computer people.