Monday, April 21, 2014

My Body

Everybody has insecurities. I'm probably more confident than a lot of people, and I honestly don't think about what I look like often. I believe that no matter what clothes a person wears or what they put on their face or hair, their appearance has no bearing on their personality. I'm sure that if you asked people who don't know me, they wouldn't be able to tell you who I am by what I look like.
But, like I said, everybody has insecurities, and I recently read something in an old magazine about how letting your fears out in the open can help you forget them (like that balloon thing on Zoey 101). It said that sometimes your problems aren’t even problems, so I’m going to act like my own sassy BFF and make some pros for these cons.
My Head
                                 Cons                                                          Pros
My skin isn't the best.
Fair skin is considered beautiful in many places.
I have a few pimples and blackheads.
Nothing some Proactiv can’t fix.
I don't like how my nostrils are fully visible from the front.
Button noses are freaking adorable.
I have a scar in the corner of my left eye.
Scars are unique.
My hair breaks a lot and I have tons of split ends.
Once you donate it, problem solved.
My front teeth turn inward.
Not even bad enough for braces.

My Torso
                              Cons                                                             Pros
I’m overweight.
Not obese. So what? Your stretch marks look like the Finger Lakes.
My nails are inhumanly long and creepy.
Cut them or get a manicure.
My shoulders are kind of broad (it’s a German thing.)
Show some pride for your heritage. At least you don’t have backne.
My breasts could be bigger.
They’ll grow.
I have a ton of birthmarks in weird places.
One of them is shaped just like the Big Dipper.

My Lower Body
Cons                                                             Pros
I have big hips (another German thing).
All the better for child-bearing.
My knees are weird.
So are everybody else’s. Knees are universally weird.
My feet are big.
It’s not like you can bind them.
My second toe curves outward.
They kind of look like they’re swaying.

I recommend that people do this. When you forget your flaws, it’s easier to remember that someday, you’ll meet somebody that likes them. Hopefully, not all of them, because that would be concerning, but enough to make you appreciate your body and make it a better representation of yourself.

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